Bug Fixes, Feature Enhancements, and More!

Bug Fixes, Feature Enhancements, and More! Bug Fixes, Feature Enhancements, and More!

Daytona has released a new update, version 0.53.0, focused on bug fixes and feature enhancements. The bug fixes include resolving issues with the pull-image pod, ensuring correct container image production, and adding missing decorators to the default editor DTO.

Additionally, the dashboard now allows for the updating of dotfiles URL to an empty value. The features introduced include the ability to configure and consume default IDE preferences in the dashboard, as well as the removal of the default profile and implementation of prompts in the workspace CLI.

The update also includes subsequent bug fixes in versions 0.53.1 to 0.53.7, addressing issues related to resource tags, container name clashes, file reading, sshd running as root, and GitHub repository listing.