Configurable default image, Agent host mode

feat: added default project image to server config by @Tpuljak in #389
feat: agent host mode by @Tpuljak in #390
feat: project image param by @Tpuljak in #392
fix: workspace start stop message to user by @idagelic in #391
Breaking Changes
Start the Daytona server using daytona server
Use daytona server provider update to update the Docker provider
Run daytona server configure and add daytonaio/workspace-project:latest as the Default Project Image property
Restart the Daytona server
For more information on Daytona v0.12.0, refer to the [GitHub release page](
fix: adding profile when config does not exist by @Tpuljak in #400
fix: add authorization to the API swagger UI by @Tpuljak in #404
fix: hide token when listing git providers in api by @idagelic in #406
fix: shorter tailscale hostnames by @Tpuljak in #408
For more information on Daytona v0.12.1, refer to the [GitHub release page](