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You can install Daytona on Linux, macOS, and Windows systems. Each operating system supports both x86_64 and AArch64 architectures.

After installing Daytona using the best method for your environment, you can create a Workspace, add a Git Provider, install a Provider, and use the CLI reference to understand Daytona’s full array of functionality.


You can install Daytona on a modern Linux system. Daytona supports both x86_64 and AArch64 architectures. The following installation options are available on Linux:

  • Official Installation Script
    The recommended method to install Daytona on Linux. This installation script is supported by Daytona’s developers upstream.
  • Homebrew
    Install Daytona on Linux using the Homebrew package manager.
  • Nix
    Install Daytona on NixOS and other Linux systems with a working Nix installation.

Official Installation Script

You can install Daytona using the official installation script.


  • A POSIX-compatible shell such as bash or zsh.


  1. Run the following command in your shell:

    Terminal window
    (curl -sf -L | sudo bash) && daytona server -y && daytona
  2. Read and follow the instructions printed in your console.

Uninstall Daytona

You can uninstall Daytona after using the official installation script.


  • A POSIX-compatible shell such as bash or zsh.


  1. Run the following commands to purge local Daytona data and remove the binary:

    Terminal window
    daytona purge
    sudo rm $(where daytona)


You can install Daytona via the Homebrew package manager. The package is available in a Homebrew Tap.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.


  1. Execute the following command to install Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew tap daytonaio/tap
    brew install daytona

Uninstall Daytona

You can uninstall Daytona using Homebrew.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.
  • An existing installation of Daytona from the daytonaio/tap Homebrew Tap.


  1. Execute the following command to uninstall Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew uninstall daytona

Upgrading Daytona

You can upgrade Daytona using Homebrew.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.
  • An existing installation of Daytona from the daytonaio/tap Homebrew Tap.


  1. Execute the following commands to upgrade Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew update
    brew upgrade daytona


Daytona is available on nixpkgs unstable as daytona-bin.

Ephemeral Usage

You can use nix-shell to try Daytona before permanently installing it on your system.


  • A working installation of Nix.


  1. Execute the following command to spawn a shell with the Daytona binary:

    Terminal window
    nix-shell -p daytona-bin

Install Globally

To permanently install Daytona on your system, you can add it to the relevant configuration.

  • On NixOS systems, add daytona-bin as a system package in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.
  • On other Linux systems, use home-manager and add daytona-bin as a local package.


You can install Daytona on a modern macOS system. Daytona supports both x86_64 (Intel-based) and AArch64 (Apple Silicon) architectures. The following installation options are available on macOS:

  • Official Installation Script
    The recommended method to install Daytona on macOS. This installation script is supported by Daytona’s developers upstream.
  • Homebrew
    Install Daytona on macOS using the Homebrew package manager.
  • Nix
    Install Daytona on macOS using nix-darwin or home-manager.

Official Installation Script

You can install Daytona using the official installation script.


  • A POSIX-compatible shell such as bash or zsh.


  1. Run the following command in your shell:

    Terminal window
    (curl -sf -L | sudo bash) && daytona server -y && daytona
  2. Read and follow the instructions printed in your console.

Uninstall Daytona

You can uninstall Daytona after using the official installation script.


  • A POSIX-compatible shell such as bash or zsh.


  1. Run the following commands to purge local Daytona data and remove the binary:

    Terminal window
    daytona purge
    sudo rm $(where daytona)


You can install Daytona via the Homebrew package manager. The package is available in a Homebrew Tap.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.


  1. Execute the following command to install Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew tap daytonaio/tap
    brew install daytona

Uninstall Daytona

You can uninstall Daytona using Homebrew.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.
  • An existing installation of Daytona from the daytonaio/tap Homebrew Tap.


  1. Execute the following command to uninstall Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew uninstall daytona

Upgrading Daytona

You can upgrade Daytona using Homebrew.


  • A working installation of Homebrew.
  • An existing installation of Daytona from the daytonaio/tap Homebrew Tap.


  1. Execute the following commands to upgrade Daytona:

    Terminal window
    brew update
    brew upgrade daytona


Daytona is available on nixpkgs unstable as daytona-bin.

Ephemeral Usage

You can use nix-shell to try Daytona before permanently installing it on your system.


  • A working installation of Nix.


  1. Execute the following command to spawn a shell with the Daytona binary:

    Terminal window
    nix-shell -p daytona-bin

Install Globally

To permanently install Daytona on your system, you can add it to the relevant configuration.

  • If you’re using nix-darwin, add daytona-bin as a system package.
  • If you’re using home-manager, add daytona-bin as a local package.


You can install Daytona on a modern Windows system. Daytona supports both x86_64 and AArch64 architectures. The following installation options are available on Windows:

  • Official Installation Script
    The recommended method to install Daytona on Windows. This installation script is supported by Daytona’s developers upstream.

Official Installation Script


  • A functional PowerShell installation.


  1. Run the following command in PowerShell:

    Terminal window
    $architecture = if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "AMD64") { "amd64" } else { "arm64" }
    md -Force "$Env:APPDATA\bin\daytona"; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls,Tls11,Tls12';
    Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$architecture.exe" -OutFile "$Env:APPDATA\bin\daytona\daytona.exe";
    $env:Path += ";" + $Env:APPDATA + "\bin\daytona"; [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User);
    daytona serve;