# Contents

For decades, software developers have relied on their local machines to build and test applications. Coding on a personal computer with a localhost environment has been the standard way of working.

However, this is rapidly changing.

Key benefits of cloud-based environments are easy to spin up/tear down of disposable dev environments, no configuration drift between developers, and ability to instantly deploy to live staging environments after every code change.

Shawn Wang (@swyx)

A clear shift is happening in the software development world as teams embrace cloud-based development environments and break free from local machine constraints.

The Limitations of Localhost

While localhost has served developers well in the past, it has some significant drawbacks in today's fast-paced software landscape:

  • Configuration headaches - Developers waste time configuring and maintaining their local dev environment when they could be writing code. Conflicting tooling versions and dependencies between team members leads to bugs.

  • Lack of collaboration - It's hard to effectively collaborate when everyone has their own local environment. Sharing work and code reviews become bottlenecks.

  • Difficulty onboarding - New hires struggle to configure their local machines to match the rest of the team's setup. Valuable ramp-up time is lost.

  • Environment inconsistencies - Code behaving one way on a developer's machine ends up breaking in production due to differences between environments.

  • Hardware constraints - Developers are limited by the power of their local machine while working on resource-intensive projects.

The Rise of Cloud Development Environments

The burden of proof is on cloud environments to provide developer flexibility.

Shawn Wang (@swyx)

Forward-thinking companies are migrating to cloud-based dev environments that solve many of the headaches of localhost. Developers can now code in the cloud via their browser or IDE with the following benefits:

  • Eliminates configuration hassles - Cloud environments are preconfigured with the required dependencies and tooling built-in. No complex setup required.

  • Enables easy collaboration - The entire team works off of the same environment, making code reviews, pairing, and sharing work seamless.

  • Simplifies onboarding - New hires are instantly productive since the environment is already provisioned for them. No ramp-up time lost.

  • Consistent environments - Code runs the same way during development and in production, reducing bugs.

  • Flexible scaling - Compute resources can be dynamically scaled up or down to fit the needs of the project. No hardware limitations.

  • Improved security - Sensitive credentials and keys don't need to be stored locally where they can be lost or compromised.

The Future of Cloud-Native Development

Developers will use a mix of local and cloud environments for now based on the use case. As tools improve, more work will shift to cloud-based.

Shawn Wang (@swyx)

The shift towards cloud development is offering teams unparalleled flexibility, productivity, and collaboration. As these environments continue to mature, they will become the new standard for software teams. A future of "code anywhere" using only a browser is quickly becoming a reality.

Localhost will not disappear entirely. There are still cases where having a local dev environment makes sense, especially for offline work. However, the center of gravity for software development is steadily moving toward the cloud.

Forward-thinking teams will want to evaluate available options to experience the benefits first-hand. The future of software development is cloud-native. The time is now to make the shift.

NOTE: This article synthesizes part of the insights from a recent discussion between Ivan Burazin, CEO of Daytona, and Shawn Wang, author of The End of Localhost. Their conversation covered the benefits of standardized development environments, the inefficiencies of local setups, and the future of hybrid software development. Many thanks to Ivan and Shawn for sharing their perspectives on how teams can maximize productivity and ship quality software quickly.
  • CDE
  • Future
  • SDE
  • local dev envs
  • localhost